Two Worlds Collided...

Uncategorized Mar 30, 2024
Did I ever tell you about the time I met Jesse?
⚠️ Warning ‼️ If you don’t like long posts or sappy love stories, scroll along. Because this is wicked long and wicked sappy.
How I met my husband…
 Towards the end of my second semester of my sophomore year in college I was “done with love”.
It’s ok, take a minute to LOL…
Looking back, it's amusing to remember how, at 19, I thought I even knew what love was. Let alone to “be done” with it.
But nonetheless, I was exhausted by love, and simply longing to find contentment within myself.
I was at point where, and this is hard to describe;
I felt like I didn’t remember who I was. And I missed myself.
Have you ever felt that way before?
I remember that very night I made a promise to myself to find myself. And I prayed to God for the first time in years.
It went something like this;
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Dear Me at 22yo...

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2024

I found this picture of me as I was flipping through an old photo album (for you youngsters, this is was the analog method of storing memories before social media:).

I was young, 22yo, the day after I married Jesse. In some ways, this photo makes me yearn for the past, a life that was fresh, new, and ready to make my own. Oh to be young and carefree again, the only stress was how to fill my social calendar and still make time to build my career.

As I looked at my younger self I thought of all the lessons I wish I had known then.

I wish I could go back and properly prepare myself for the future to avoid the pains and shortcut to the victories.

I wish I could share what I have learned..

I wish I could empower my younger self at 23yo, who had been so excited to be chosen for the job as The Director of Parks and Recreation, to speak up for myself in that meeting where I was ridiculed by the men in power for deciding to have a baby during basketball season (this probably explains why I try...

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Plan for success and avoid failure with these 3 game winning strategies


Traditional goal setting is broken. 

You know, that simplified model that just says; 

“Hey, just focus on something you want, and then start moving toward it as fast as you can”.

The truth is, this traditional Goal Setting process is really incomplete and it actually sets you up for a failure. 

You know what I am talking about….those linear goals where there is only a starting line and a finish line, without taking into consideration the mountains, rivers, and other obstacles along the way to success. 

We are from New England. And there's a saying that people use all the time that goes, 

“You can't get there from here”. 

How true is that? You can't get there from here. 

You can't start here and get straight to where you want to go if there are mountains, rivers, and all kinds of twists and turns along the way.

You know,... when you jump in with both feet and don't really think about the next steps or what you are...

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3 Simple Steps to Set Confident & Successful Goals


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Bulletproof your goal setting strategy. 

Simplistic goal setting does not work. 

You know...the “choose a goal and start sprinting towards it as fast as possible” routine. And although I applaud your eagerness to get started, I know from experience, that this is not the most effective method of goal setting.

Don't worry if you feel this way right now, or if you have felt this way in the past. Where you've started a goal and then all that eagerness ends in disaster because you didn't really have a good plan. I am going to help you to set confident goals and plan for success. 

If you do not set goals properly and prepare for long term success, you're going to get distracted, you're going to fall off course, or even worse,  you could get discouraged, and never actually reach your destination.

Over the years, as a health and fitness coach, I have worked with thousands of clients who have had lots of different goals. 

I can think...

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You can't fit more into your life (3 tips to declutter and regain control)


10 pounds of crap won’t fit in a 5 pound bag. 

Now, look, I grew up on a farm so I have extensive experience in waste management.  If handled correctly, not only do you avoid problems with the animals, but “waste” can be re-purposed to be quite valuable.

But I can promise you something..

If you try to force too much crap into a limited space, or choose to neglect dealing with it, you’re going to make a mess of things. Fast.

Do you ever feel this way in your life? Like you're trying to force too much stuff in? 

Maybe you have too many priorities. Your schedule might be overwhelming. Maybe your house is a mess. The problems just seem to outnumber the solutions... 

Well, don't worry. If you are feeling this way, I’m going to share 3 tips to declutter and regain control of your life. 

If you find yourself in that spot, where you're just trying to set too many goals, smash more things into your life, and things are overflowing and...

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Reduce Overwhelm and Bring Joy to Your Life (with these 3 tips)


Create space and bring joy. 

All too often, we get caught up in the desire to just always push for the transformation, push for goals, just work harder, do more, be more, more, more, more…

The truth is;  There can be negative consequences of the “just push harder” mentality. 

If we don't actually take time to create space for transformation and joy to take hold, it can make you feel overwhelmed, over-scheduled, and unhappy.

You may find yourself underperforming and possibly unable to excel at any of the areas of your life, because you're just trying to do too much.

I know you might be feeling like;  “I just need to work harder. I just need to push more. I need to get up earlier. I need to stay up later”...does this sound familiar?

But guys….this just can't be done. 

I see it time and time again. I know you have good intentions. I do the same thing sometimes. I totally get how you feel... 

I've been that over...

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This is why you feel stuck (3 ways to find freedom and champion your life)

comfort zone find freedom Oct 27, 2020

Don't live your life on a hamster wheel.

Now, when I think of a hamster wheel, I envision that cute little creature inside the cage just running like crazy on that wheel, spinning around and around, running as fast as it can, but not actually accomplishing anything meaningful or getting anywhere.  

From a big picture perspective it’s even worse than that, it’s actually trapped in a cage.

Ever feel like that?

It's okay. I’ve been there from time to time, and if you feel this way now, this article will help you to get off that wheel, find freedom, and get back to living the life that you want. 

I know the story. I think of how busy my life can get, and how it can become a trap to get stuck in the same old routine day after day. 

I own three businesses (along with my wife/business partner), I’m a father of two teenage athletes, a volunteer coach, etc.  I get the temptation to just keep going through the motions. There’s a certain...

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3 tricks to break out of your comfort zone and win at life

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Success is uncomfortable. 

Look, I get it. Nobody wants to be uncomfortable, but the truth is that success and progress in your life is going to require some level of discomfort. 

All too often, we get trapped in the same groups of people, in the same rhythms, actions and behaviors, and in the same thought patterns. 

It can get really comfortable, predictable, and cozy.   But the truth is...if we stay there, we won’t find freedom we are looking for, or the progress we need to make so we can win at life. 

It's okay if you're feeling this way today, or if you felt this way in the past.  It’s normal to enjoy your comfort’s literally very comfortable in there.

But today I am going to challenge you to rise up out of that comfort zone and get what you want most out of life. 

The truth is, if you stay in your comfort zone all the time, you stay the same. You won't grow, you won't succeed in new ways, and you...

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3 Sure Fire ways to Stay Motivated When You Feel like you Want to Quit

Stop buying the quick fix…

You know, the microwave mindset. The “push the button” and “I want it now” attitude. The “I want it 10 seconds ago, and it better be the best thing I ever got” mentality. 

We all too often fall into that trap of the $19.95 lie, the overnight business in a box, and the magic diet pill. 

We've heard it all before, and we need to stop buying into it. 

Don’t worry if you're feeling this way, or if you’ve fallen victim to that quick fix mindset before. Today I am going to teach you how to hustle for what you want and stay motivated when you feel like you want to quit.

We all know what happens if we do fall for that “magic short cut” over and over again; it leads to unrealistic expectations, disappointment, and failure.

I have worked with thousands of clients through the years in our fitness business, and I have seen this too often…

I begin working with a client and they are...

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3 strategies to help you stay focused and committed to your goals

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Own your 1980’s Montage…

You know, it's that sweet three minute song in a 1980’s movie where the main character goes from Zero to Hero... magically. 

(cue the sweet electric guitar solo) 

Now imagine YOU are that main character and it’s time to win at your own life...

Look, in the real world, it doesn't really happen that fast. When we're trying to achieve some huge goal in our life, it usually takes a lot longer than three minutes. And the truth is... people usually quit too soon. 

Don't worry if you're feeling this way right now, or if you’ve felt this way in the past, where you couldn't quite get into the rhythm of your own 80’s montage. 

I’m going to teach you how to embrace the Hustle, stay motivated, and become the Champion of your own life. 

Because if you don't, you may just keep quitting. You may get discouraged. Maybe you'll even stop trying 

Now I've been in this position before...

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