Interview with Terra Brassbridge (Mother of 2, Cancer Survivor, Business Leader)

Season #1

Terra Brassbridge is a true Maine native with a journey that embodies resilience and determination. With an impressive 17-year career at Blue Triton Brands, Terra's story is one of perseverance and seizing opportunities, starting from the ground up as the youngest female controller and triumphing over breast cancer. Terra doesn't hold back, sharing both the highs and lows of her career, revealing the moments that propelled her to the esteemed position of Director of Finance at Blue Triton Brands. Her unwavering belief that everything happens for a reason, combined with the incredible support she received during her battle with cancer, serves as a beacon of inspiration. Join us as we delve into Terra Brassbridge's extraordinary journey and mindset—a motivational experience guaranteed to uplift and empower. Don't miss out on this captivating exploration of Terra's incredible story.

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