About Us

Have you ever felt like you’re stuck in a life that isn’t your own?  Like time is just ticking away and you’re wasting your talents on just making it to the next day?  That the overwhelm of life is sucking the joy out of who you are meant to be?

We have too!  

Just like you, there was a time when the memories of who we used to be seemed like a high point in life that we wouldn’t reach again.  That we had to accept a “This is just the way it is now” attitude, and we were doomed to exist on the edge of losing control for the rest of our lives.

We tried all the usual stuff… just work harder, accept your roles in life, buy the next flashy thing, etc.  But none of those things ever fired us up and made us feel like we were living the life of our own design, rather than the one assigned to us.  

You see, the reason why these things don't usually work is that they’re all short sighted or external motivators. They lack the most effective life changing ingredients to make a long term difference.  If you keep trying these failed strategies, the usual culprits begin to show up like self doubt, overwhelm, lack of resources, and discouragement. 

For us personally, it was the lie that hard work alone was enough to get what you want out of life.  At that point in our very young lives, each of us had achieved a high level of accomplishment in athletics, academics, and career pursuit.  We were married, had the kids, the cars, the jobs, the dog,... perfect right? 

But we felt trapped.

When our children were very little, in an attempt to forge our own path, we left comfortable, stable government jobs to pursue the wild world of entrepreneurship.  Coming from hard working, business owning families, we figured we could just grind it out through sheer willpower.  

In a couple years, we grew a multiple six figure generating fitness business, and boy was it painful.  We still felt like we were spinning our wheels half the time, had the potential to be so much further along, and were on the verge of losing control with our family, our marriage, and our business. 

We needed balance.

And that’s when it dawned on us.  Lasting success leaves footprints. There are powerful patterns to success, and by identifying the MOST IMPORTANT factors, and eliminating wasted effort, we could make these patterns work FOR us.  So instead of just pushing harder, accumulating single victories in some areas of life and making a mess in others, we developed a SYSTEM for Sustainable Success.   We call it the Champion Life Cycle.

We had been coaching clients through this process for years in all its parts, helping them to achieve their goals, but once we discovered the whole SYSTEM and began to implement the Champion Life Cycle into our own daily rhythm, our lives changed drastically!

Immediately, we began fulfilling our personal aspirations, unlocking and celebrating the unique abilities we each had. We applied these strategies to our business, helping it grow, which provided us financial and time freedom.  We deepened our personal relationships with each other and our families.  In short, we regained control of our lives, and began steering it in the direction of our choosing.

Now we have the distinct honor of raising our children (now teenagers) in the neighborhood and school system of our choosing, owning and operating three businesses, each in harmony with each other, and serving thousands of clients to help them achieve the life they deserve.  


For us, that’s Living a Champion Life. 

If you’re ready to finally unlock your potential and regain control in your life the right way, then we promise you’ll find our Champion Playbook, extremely helpful…

In fact, we’ve created a free download that will help you hit the next level.  Just click the button at the top of the homepage of this site.  Then you’ll tell us where you’d like us to send your free playbook.

Deal?  It’s our mission to pass our knowledge on so you don’t make the same dumb mistakes we did.

Go do that now, and welcome aboard!

-Coach Jesse & Stacey


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